When was marco polo born

          What was marco polo famous for

        1. What was marco polo famous for
        2. Kublai khan and marco polo relationship
        3. What did marco polo do for kublai khan
        4. Marco polo early life
        5. What did marco polo discover
        6. What did marco polo do for kublai khan!

          The Journeys of Marco Polo and Their Impact


          Marco Polo (c. 1254-1324) was a Venetian merchant and adventurer who made an extended, twenty-four year (1271-95), journey with his father Niccolò and his uncle Maffeo into central Asia, including seventeen years spent in Mongol-controlled China.

          He was among the first Europeans to visit this part of the world and was the first to record in detail the many things he observed there.

          What did marco polo died of

          He included information on the culture and religion as well as the geography and government of the regions he visited. His account of the trip was published in 1298 as Divisament dou Monde (Description of the world), now known generally as "The Travels of Marco Polo." Although read widely when it appeared, it was regarded by most readers as a work of fiction.

          Only later was it realized that most of its contents are quite accurate. In any case, it served to excite Europeans about the riches in trade and culture which might be found in unfamiliar a