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Le Corbusier developed the Modulor system in the s to establish harmonious proportions in architecture based on the human figure....
Le Corbusier created the Modulor system to establish harmonious proportions in architecture based on the human figure.
On Friday, September 28, 1951, Le Corbusier addressed the First International Conference on Proportion in the Arts at the Milan Triennale, introducing, with affirmed modesty, the system of proportional measurements he had invented in the preceding years as if it were an elementary, prosaic tool: ‘The Modulor, which I have described to you, is a simple work tool, a tool such as aviation, such as many other improvements created by men’1 (Fig.
Le Corbusier lectures at the Milan Triennale, 1951, Fondation Le Corbusier.
But his position at the Milan event was far from modest, as he was the only contributor to have arrived armed not only with an analytical theory, but also with a structured attempt at proposing a comprehensive proportional system, which was ready for implementation at all the scales of architectural design.
One year earlier, the Paris-based architect had published a compact square volume, entitled Le Modulor, essai sur une mesure harmon