Hephaestus parents

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        4. Hephaestus god of
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          The god of fire, was, according to the Homeric account, the son of Zeus and Hera.1 Later traditions state that he had no father, and that Hera gave birth to him independent of Zeus, as she was jealous of Zeus having given birth to Athena independent of her.2 This, however, is opposed to the common story, that Hephaestus split the head of Zeus, and thus assisted him in giving birth to Athena, for Hephaestus is there represented as older than Athena.

          A further development of the later tradition is, that Hephaestus sprang from the thigh of Hera, and, being for a long time kept in ignorance of his parentage, he at length had recourse to a stratagem, for the purpose of finding it out.

          He constructed a chair, to which those who sat upon it were fastened, and having thus entrapped Hera, he refused allowing her to rise until she had told him who his parents were.3 For other accounts respecting his origin, see Cicero,4 Pausanias,5 and Eustathius.6

          Hephaestus is the