Biography writing template

          What is a biography year 3...

          Biography writing unit

        1. Biography writing unit
        2. Features of a biography year 6 ppt
        3. What is a biography year 3
        4. Features of a biography ks2
        5. Planning a biography year 6
        6. Write a biography for a member of your family e.g. your grandparent or a famous person e.g. Tim Peake.

          Use the planning page below to help you with key features of this genre.


          Biography Planning Page    

          Title - _________________________

          Intro – 5 W’s        


          Who is the person? – ________________


          Year 6 biography example

          Why did you chose this person?                                                               


          What have they experienced during their life time? _____________________

          4. When did a significant event happen? __________________________

          5. Where did it happen?______________