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          Igor Krutoy is one of the most popular contemporary composers. In addition, he became famous as a hitmaker, producer and organizer of the New Wave.

          Krutoy managed to replenish the repertoire of Russian and Ukrainian stars with an impressive number of XNUMX% hits.

          He feels the audience, therefore he is capable of creating compositions that in any case will arouse interest among music lovers. Igor keeps up with the times, but throughout his creative biography he manages to maintain his own individuality in terms of creating songs.

          Childhood and youth

          The maestro is from Ukraine.

          He was born in the small provincial town of Gaivoron in July 1954.

          Lara fabian age

          It's no secret that he came from a Jewish family. Neither the father nor the mother of the future composer became famous as creative personalities.

          Mom devoted herself entirely to raising children, and the head of the family worked at a local enterprise as an ordinary dispatcher.

          Despite this, mom and dad managed to raise their ch