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Robert Goddard Books In Order
Book links take you to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn money from qualifying purchases.Publication Order of Harry Barnett Books
Into the Blue | (1990) |
Out of the Sun | (1996) |
Never Go Back | (2006) |
Publication Order of James "Max" Maxted Books
The Ways of the World | (2013) |
The Corners of the Globe | (2014) |
The Ends of the Earth | (2015) |
Publication Order of Umiko Wada Books
The Fine Art of Invisible Detection | (2021) |
The Fine Art of Uncanny Prediction | (2023) |
Publication Order of Standalone Novels
Past Caring | (1986) |
In Pale Battalions | (1988) |
Painting the Darkness | (1989) |
Take No Farewell / Debt of Dishonour | (1991) |
Hand in Glove | (1992) |
Closed Circle | (1993) |
Borrowed Time | (1995) |
Beyond Recall | (1997) |
Caught in the Light | (1998) |
Set in Stone | (1999) |
Sea Change | (2000) |
Dying to Tell | (2001) |
Days Without Number | (2003) |
Play to the End | (2004) |
Sight Unseen | (2