Saddam hussein biography including genocide

          Although the number of deaths, injuries and destroyed civilian infrastructure is not decisive in determining whether genocide occurred, a genocidal intent will.!

          Saddam Hussein

          President of Iraq since
          Date of Birth:
          Country: Iraq

          1. Biography of Saddam Hussein
          2. Early Life and Rise to Power
          3. Political Career and Consolidation of Power
          4. War with Iran and Gulf War
          5. Later Years and Legacy

          Biography of Saddam Hussein

          Saddam Hussein, born on April 27, , in the small town of Tikrit, Iraq, is currently the President of Iraq.

          In all, Saddam's three-year-long genocide against the Kurds and other minorities claimed as many as , lives.

        1. Secret police, state terrorism, torture, mass murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, deportations, extrajudicial killings, forced disappearances.
        2. Although the number of deaths, injuries and destroyed civilian infrastructure is not decisive in determining whether genocide occurred, a genocidal intent will.
        3. With the trials of Saddam by the Iraqi High Tribunal.
        4. Rights organisations say the Anfal campaign was a systematic ethnic cleansing amounting to genocide.
        5. He holds several high-ranking government positions, including President, Supreme Commander (with the rank of Marshal), Secretary General of the Regional Leadership of the Ba'ath Party, Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council, Chairman of the Higher Council for Combating Illiteracy, and more.

          Early Life and Rise to Power

          Saddam Hussein was born into a peasant family.

          His father passed away when he was only nine months old, and he was taken in by his uncle, Al-Hajj Ibrahim, an army officer who fought against British rule in Iraq. Saddam faced a challenging childhood with many siblings and li